Uttar Pradesh Kabaddi League - Fixture

Schedule, Live Score and Match Prediction

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 11-Jul 05:00 PM Lucknow beat Lucknow (49-34)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 11-Jul 06:00 PM Kashi beat Noida (43-40)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 11-Jul 07:00 PM Sangam beat Ganga (44-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 11-Jul 08:00 PM Awadh beat Brij (43-26)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 12-Jul 05:00 PM Sangam beat Sangam (30-27)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 12-Jul 06:00 PM Yamuna beat Yamuna (39-36)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 12-Jul 07:00 PM Brij beat Ganga (41-35)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 12-Jul 08:00 PM Lucknow beat Noida (35-23)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 13-Jul 05:00 PM Yamuna beat Noida (29-22)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 13-Jul 06:00 PM Lucknow beat Kashi (42-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 13-Jul 07:00 PM Awadh beat Ganga (35-33)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 13-Jul 08:00 PM Sangam beat Brij (50-39)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 14-Jul 05:00 PM Sangam beat Kashi (34-23)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 14-Jul 06:00 PM Noida beat Ganga (35-28)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 14-Jul 07:00 PM Lucknow beat Brij (41-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 14-Jul 08:00 PM Yamuna beat Awadh (36-30)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 15-Jul 05:00 PM Noida beat Sangam (27-26)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 15-Jul 06:00 PM Brij beat Yamuna (47-44)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 15-Jul 07:00 PM Lucknow beat Awadh (39-28)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 15-Jul 08:00 PM Ganga beat Kashi (43-32)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 16-Jul 05:00 PM Noida beat Brij (36-32)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 16-Jul 06:00 PM Kashi beat Awadh (29-24)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 16-Jul 07:00 PM Yamuna beat Sangam (38-27)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 16-Jul 08:00 PM Lucknow beat Ganga (45-24)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 17-Jul 05:00 PM Lucknow beat Sangam (43-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 17-Jul 06:00 PM Kashi beat Brij (59-27)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 17-Jul 07:00 PM Awadh beat Noida (48-47)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 17-Jul 08:00 PM Yamuna beat Ganga (38-33)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 18-Jul 05:00 PM Kashi beat Noida (42-22)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 18-Jul 06:00 PM Lucknow beat Yamuna (34-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 18-Jul 07:00 PM Sangam beat Ganga (37-36)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 18-Jul 08:00 PM Brij beat Awadh (36-35)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 19-Jul 05:00 PM Lucknow beat Noida (51-29)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 19-Jul 06:00 PM Kashi beat Yamuna (33-32)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 19-Jul 07:00 PM Brij beat Ganga (44-29)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - FRI 19-Jul 08:00 PM Sangam beat Awadh (36-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 20-Jul 05:00 PM Sangam beat Brij (36-29)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 20-Jul 06:00 PM Lucknow beat Kashi (34-28)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 20-Jul 07:00 PM Awadh beat Ganga (39-38)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SAT 20-Jul 08:00 PM Yamuna beat Noida (37-29)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 21-Jul 05:00 PM Ganga beat Noida (39-28)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 21-Jul 06:00 PM Sangam beat Kashi (44-38)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 21-Jul 07:00 PM Lucknow beat Brij (51-40)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - SUN 21-Jul 08:00 PM Yamuna beat Awadh (40-39)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 22-Jul 05:00 PM Brij beat Yamuna (52-34)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 22-Jul 06:00 PM Kashi beat Ganga (37-17)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 22-Jul 07:00 PM Awadh beat Lucknow (43-33)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - MON 22-Jul 08:00 PM Sangam beat Noida (51-26)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 23-Jul 05:00 PM Noida beat Brij (44-36)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 23-Jul 06:00 PM Yamuna beat Sangam (46-31)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 23-Jul 07:00 PM Lucknow beat Ganga (71-19)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - TUE 23-Jul 08:00 PM Kashi beat Awadh (37-33)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 24-Jul 05:30 PM Lucknow beat Yamuna (35-21)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - WED 24-Jul 07:00 PM Sangam beat Kashi (39-32)

Venue - Noida Indoor Stadium

Completed Match starts at - THU 25-Jul 08:00 PM Lucknow beat Sangam (59-33)

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