Last Updated - 04 Feb 2025, 15:56 IST
Capacity: Open
This is a batting pitch, a total of 1 matches have been played on this pitch, in which the team batting first has won 0 matches and the team bowling first has won 1 matches. The average score on this pitch is 52. Bowling first after winning the toss would be the right decision.
Weather in Launceston, AU is cloudy. The temperature is expected to around 12°C on the match day with 87% humidity and 5.8 km/h wind speed. And the visibility is 10 KM. There are 50% chances of precipitation during the game.
T20 Statistics | |
Total matches: | 1 |
Batting first won: | 0 |
Bowling first won: | 1 |
1st inn avg score: | 52 |
2nd inn avg score: | 53 |
Highest Total: | 53/8 |
Lowest Total: | 52/10 |
Highest Chased: | 53/8 |
Lowest Defended: |
ODI Statistics | |
Total matches: | 0 |
Batting first won: | 0 |
Bowling first won: | 0 |
1st inn avg score: | 0 |
2nd inn avg score: | 0 |
Highest Total: | |
Lowest Total: | |
Highest Chased: | |
Lowest Defended: |
Test Statistics | |
Total matches: | |
Batting first won: | |
Bowling first won: | |
1st inn avg score: | |
2nd inn avg score: | |
3rd inn avg score: | |
4th inn avg score: | |
Highest Total: | |
Lowest Total: | |
Highest Chased: | |
Lowest Defended: |