India leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal got married to Dhanashree Verma, on December 22 last year in a private ceremony. Chahal and Dhanashree had got engaged in August 2020 soon after the nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19 was lifted. Moreover, Yuzvendra Chahal’s then-fiancee had also travelled to the United Arab Emirates to accompany him during the Indian Premier League (IPL). Like Anushka Sharma who is Virat Kohli’s wife, Dhanashree also joined the RCB bubble after serving the mandatory quarantine period.
Chahal is a part of RCB team and will be playing th first game on 9th of April against Mumbai Indians team.
As team India players were in Australia, most of them missed Chahal’s wedding but Shikhar Dhawan was part of it and he could be seen dancing. Chahal and his wife both were having a blast in one of the memorable events of their lives and the couple also danced together.
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