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Will the Indian Wrestling Federation be banned?

By Akanksha - 2023-06-03 12:21:32
Will the Indian Wrestling Federation be banned?

The Indian Wrestling Federation (IWBF) has been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. The federation has been accused of corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of transparency. In recent months, there have been several strikes by wrestlers who are unhappy with the way the federation is being run.

The IWF has been accused of misusing funds, awarding contracts to friends and family members, and failing to provide adequate training facilities for wrestlers. The federation has also been criticized for its handling of the doping scandal that rocked Indian wrestling in 2018.

In March 2023, a group of wrestlers went on strike to protest the federation's handling of a doping case. The wrestlers were demanding that the federation be more transparent about the case and that the wrestler who was found guilty of doping be given a fair hearing.

The strike lasted for several days and forced the federation to cancel a number of wrestling tournaments. The federation eventually agreed to meet with the wrestlers and discuss their concerns.

However, the strike has raised questions about the future of the IWF. The federation has been under increasing pressure from the government and the wrestling community to reform. If the federation does not make changes, it is possible that it could be banned.

Recent controversies

The IWF has been involved in a number of controversies in recent years. In 2018, it was revealed that several wrestlers had tested positive for doping. The federation was criticized for its handling of the scandal, and it was forced to suspend several wrestlers.

In 2020, the IWF was accused of corruption. The federation was accused of awarding contracts to friends and family members without following proper procedures. The federation was also accused of misusing funds.


In March 2023, a group of wrestlers went on strike to protest the federation's handling of a doping case. The wrestlers were demanding that the federation be more transparent about the case and that the wrestler who was found guilty of doping be given a fair hearing.

The strike lasted for several days and forced the federation to cancel a number of wrestling tournaments. The federation eventually agreed to meet with the wrestlers and discuss their concerns.

The future of the IWF

The IWF is facing a number of challenges. The federation is under increasing pressure from the government and the wrestling community to reform. If the federation does not make changes, it is possible that it could be banned.

The federation has a chance to turn things around. It needs to be more transparent, accountable, and efficient. It also needs to invest in its wrestlers and give them the support they need to succeed.If the IWF can make these changes, it will be able to avoid being banned and continue to play a role in the development of wrestling in India.

Will the IWF be banned?

It is impossible to say for sure whether the IWF will be banned. However, the federation is facing a number of challenges, and it is clear that it needs to make some changes. If the IWF does not make changes, it is possible that it could be banned.

The future of the IWF is uncertain. However, the federation has a chance to turn things around. If the IWF can make the necessary changes, it will be able to avoid being banned and continue to play a role in the development of wrestling in India.

The following are some of the changes that the IWF needs to make:

Be more transparent: The IWF needs to be more transparent about its finances and its decision-making process. Wrestlers and the public should have access to this information.

Be more accountable: The IWF needs to be more accountable to its wrestlers and the public. Wrestlers should have a say in how the federation is run.

Be more efficient: The IWF needs to be more efficient in its use of funds. Wrestlers should be getting the best possible training and support.

If the IWF can make these changes, it will be able to regain the trust of its wrestlers and the public. The federation will be able to avoid being banned and continue to play a role in the development of wrestling in India.


The Indian Wrestling Federation (IWBF) is facing a number of challenges. The federation has been accused of corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of transparency. In recent months, there have been several strikes by wrestlers who are unhappy with the way the federation is being run.The future of the IWF is uncertain.

However, the federation has a chance to turn things around. If the IWF can make the necessary changes, it will be able to avoid being banned and continue to play a role in the development of wrestling in India.

The IWF has a choice to make. It can either continue down the path of corruption and mismanagement or it can make the necessary changes to reform. The future of the IWF depends on the choices that it makes.

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