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Commonwealth Games 2026 under threat, Australian state refuses

By Vipin - 2023-07-18 16:14:40
Commonwealth Games 2026 under threat, Australian state refuses

Significantly, the Commonwealth Games Federation ie CGF was not able to get the host city for 2026. After that Victoria came forward and took the initiative to host it in April 2022. Significantly, the Commonwealth Games Federation ie CGF was not able to get the host city for 2026. After that Victoria came forward and took the initiative to host it in April 2022.

CGF has described this decision as disappointing and said that they will find a solution to this problem soon. So far the Commonwealth Games have been canceled only because of the Second World War. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrew said on Tuesday that when the organizers approached him last year, he had agreed to help them but now it is not possible.


Organizers had initially estimated that the event would cost US$1.8 billion. But according to the new estimate, now this expenditure is going to be three times. These events were to be held in the cities of Geelong, Bendigo and Ballart in the state of Victoria. The government of the state of Victoria was hopeful that organizing the Games would help boost their economy. Now Daniel Andrew says that now the profit from organizing these games will be much less than the cost of getting them done.


Victorian Premier Daniel Andrew said on Tuesday

In a press conference, he said, I have taken many difficult decisions while in this position. But this was not a difficult decision. It is just an expense, it will not be of any use. Despite refusing to hold the Games, the state of Victoria will continue to spend on the infrastructure being prepared for them. This expenditure is being spent on improving the stadiums. But the Victorian government will be saved from spending on accommodation for athletes and tourists. PM Andrew has said that he had explored all the options before taking the final decision.He said that there was a meeting with the organizers in London last night. But the organizers of the Commonwealth Games have said that they have no information about this.


In a statement, CGF said, “We are sorry that we were given only eight hours' notice. There was no effort to find a solution by jointly discussing the problem through dialogue.CGF said that the amount of expenditure that is being talked about now, he was told about half of that expenditure last month.

According to the CGF, the cost of organizing the Games has increased because the organizers have added many new sports and also selected new venues for them. And all this was done contrary to the advice of the Commonwealth Games Federation. John Pesuto, the leader of the opposition in the state of Victoria, said that this decision of the government has brought great disrepute to the state.

Australia has organized the Commonwealth Games five times so far


Australia has organized the Commonwealth Games five times so far. Last time in the year 2018, these games were organized there in Gold Coast. Earlier in 2006, they were organized in Melbourne, the largest city of the state of Victoria. Now efforts will be made to organize in other cities of Australia. Sydney is also being looked at as a possible venue. Organizers have had problems finding hosts for the Commonwealth Games in recent years.


In the year 2022, these games were to be held in the South African city of Durban, but in 2017 this right was taken away from this city. The reason for this was that Durban had not met several deadlines related to preparations. After this, the city of England came forward to organize the Birmingham Games.The CGF was supposed to announce the host for 2026 in 2019 but several candidates pulled out of the event.

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