A captivating documentary on the Roshan family, titled The Roshans, is all set to stream on Netflix starting January 17. The trailer, which dropped just a day before Hrithik Roshan’s birthday, offers an insightful glimpse into the lives and careers of the Roshan family members, including Rakesh Roshan, Rajesh Roshan, and Hrithik Roshan.
From Nagrath to Roshan
Hrithik Roshan narrates an intriguing anecdote in the trailer, revealing that his family’s original surname was Nagrath. His grandfather, Roshan Lal Nagrath, was a pioneering figure in the music industry. The surname change from Nagrath to Roshan symbolizes the beginning of a remarkable legacy in the Indian film and music industry.
What’s in the Trailer?
The 3-minute trailer highlights the highs and lows of the Roshan family’s journey. One pivotal moment featured is the attack on Rakesh Roshan, a life-altering incident that shook the industry. The documentary also includes interviews with notable Bollywood personalities like Asha Bhosle, Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Vicky Kaushal, and Ranbir Kapoor. These stars share their personal experiences and connections with the Roshan family, celebrating the immense contribution they made to Indian cinema.
The documentary promises to be a heartfelt journey filled with moments of triumph, love, and loss. The Roshan family has been instrumental in shaping the musical and cinematic landscape of Bollywood. The trailer aptly describes this journey as 'a wonderful journey with legacy and love, which gave music, magic, and many memorable moments to Hindi cinema'.
Fans Reaction
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of The Roshans documentary. The trailer has already created a buzz, with many excited to witness this iconic family's behind-the-scenes stories and personal moments.
On the professional front, Hrithik Roshan was last seen in the action-packed film Fighter, which also starred Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor. Up next, Hrithik will be seen in War 2, a highly anticipated sequel that promises to be a blockbuster.
Don’t miss out on The Roshans documentary, streaming on Netflix from January 17. Experience the magic, music, and memories of one of Bollywood’s most celebrated families!
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