Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is set to travel to Prayagraj on February 1 at 11 a.m., following the devastating stampede at the Mahakumbh Mela on Mauni Amavasya. Assessing the situation, supervising continuing plans, and helping to welcome the Vice President are the objectives of his visit. They will participate in Mahakumbh-related activities together. The Chief Minister intends to visit the Bharat Seva Shram Camp in Sector 5 and the Satua Baba Ashram in Sector 21 after these ceremonies. At the Mela Circuit House, he is also anticipated to meet with Heads of Mission representatives. He leaves for Lucknow at 6:55 p.m., marking the end of the day's plans.
On January 29, 2025, during the auspicious Mauni Amavasya, there was a recent stampede that tragically claimed at least 30 lives and injured 60 more. The tragedy happened early in the morning when a large number of devotees flocked to Prayagraj's Sangam Ghat to take a sacred plunge. To stop similar deaths in the future, authorities are currently looking into what caused the rush.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath responded to the tragedy by announcing that the relatives of each person who died will get Rs 25 lakh as an ex gratia payment. To guarantee the pilgrims' safety and well-being, he also underlined the necessity of a comprehensive assessment of the event's plans.
CM Yogi Adityanath is anticipated to meet with representatives of the Mahakumbh's organisation while he travels there. These talks will probably centre on assessing the plans for the next Basant Panchami bathing festival to strengthen security protocols and enhance crowd control techniques.
Millions of devotees have travelled to Prayagraj for the Mahakumbh Mela, which is recognised as one of the biggest religious gatherings in the world. With improved safety measures and infrastructure to handle the large number of pilgrims, the administration is still dedicated to making sure the event goes off without a hitch despite the recent tragedy.
The safety and spiritual fulfilment of the devotees continue to be the key concerns as the Mahakumbh progresses. Under the direction of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the administration is working to preserve the event's sacredness while putting the required safeguards in place to stop such events in the future.