The internet is buzzing once again with the saga of conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez. From behind the walls of Tihar Jail, Sukesh penned yet another handwritten letter, this time with an extravagant Christmas gift a 107-year-old vineyard in the romantic countryside of southern France. His letter, brimming with declarations of love, has left netizens puzzled and alarmed.
Sukesh’s letter, dated December 25, addresses Jacqueline as his 'baby girl' and expresses sorrow over spending Christmas apart. 'Being away from you does not stop me from playing your Santa Claus,' he wrote. The conman revealed his audacious gift in the letter: 'Today, I am gifting you not a bottle of wine but an entire vineyard in the country of love, 'France,' which you never even dreamed of.'
The conman further professed his longing to walk through the vineyard hand-in-hand with Jacqueline. 'The world may think I am crazy, but I am really crazy in love with you,' he added, promising that once released, the world would witness their togetherness. Jacqueline, however, has not responded to this or any of his previous letters.
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Social media platforms were flooded with reactions ranging from disbelief to unease. Many Reddit users described Sukesh’s actions as 'delusional' and 'scary,' with one commenter pointing out that his obsession appears to grow with each letter. 'This isn’t love; this is stalking behaviour disguised as romance,' one post read.
The connection between Sukesh Chandrashekhar and Jacqueline Fernandez came to light during an investigation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) into Sukesh’s involvement in a multi-crore fraud case. Sukesh alleges he was in a romantic relationship with Jacqueline, backed by leaked pictures of the duo. However, Jacqueline claims she was duped into believing Sukesh was a legitimate businessman and now considers herself a victim of his elaborate schemes.
Sukesh Chandrashekhar remains imprisoned in connection with multiple cases of extortion and fraud. Meanwhile, Jacqueline has maintained her stance as a victim, cooperating with authorities in the ongoing investigation.
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