The high-profile arrest of Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in 2021 was a case that gripped the nation. The man at the centre of the storm, Sameer Wankhede, then Zonal Director of the NCB, became a household name as he spearheaded the investigation into the alleged drug racket. Fast forward to today, Wankhede remains unfazed by the controversy and criticism, even as a recent video of Aryan Khan purportedly intoxicated at a New Year’s party surfaced online.
In a candid conversation with Zoom Entertainment, Sameer Wankhede opened up about dealing with online trolling. He was heavily criticized during Aryan’s arrest, with troll armies targeting him and his family. However, Wankhede maintains a stoic stance. 'Trolling is entertainment for me,' he said. 'I have faced much worse: bullets, terrorists. These are very small things. Threatening messages are quite funny.'
Despite the negativity, Wankhede revealed that many people praised him for upholding the law impartially, which he considers his primary responsibility. To those who attempted to intimidate him, he had a simple message: 'Try harder.'
During and after Aryan’s arrest, Shah Rukh Khan maintained a low profile, avoiding the media spotlight. There was widespread speculation that SRK’s reserved demeanour stemmed from bitterness over the media’s coverage of the case. When asked for his views on SRK’s changed approach, Wankhede dismissed the topic, saying, I have no clue what he has been doing.'
Wankhede also addressed the viral video of Aryan from a New Year’s party, indirectly commenting on the behaviour of today’s youth. 'I would not like to comment on this person, but, if you talk about the 31st, youngsters today think New Year’s Eve is meant to get sloshed. No doubt, people should enjoy it, but don’t harm your body,' he said.
Recently, Shah Rukh Khan shared that he had quit smoking, sparking curiosity about whether the drug case influenced his decision. Wankhede, however, chose not to engage in speculation, remarking, 'I would not want to comment on ‘XYZ person’.' His measured response underscores his focus on his professional duties rather than celebrity gossip.
In 2023, Shah Rukh Khan made a triumphant return to the silver screen with blockbuster hits like Pathaan and Jawan. A particular line in Jawan – 'Bete ko haath lagane se pehle, baap se baat kar' – sparked speculation among fans that it was a veiled reference to Sameer Wankhede. When asked about it, Wankhede brushed off the notion. 'A lot of people said it was aimed at me, but I don’t think so. I am not that important for them to include me in their movies. If at all it is about me, I would like to take it as a compliment,' he said, adding, 'As far as the words in the dialogue are concerned, it is third-grade and not part of our Indian culture.'
The circumstances surrounding Aryan Khan’s arrest have been a topic of intense debate, especially since reports emerged that no drugs were found on him. When asked to justify the arrest, Wankhede offered an analogy to clarify the complexities of law enforcement. 'I am not speculating anything about this case. But, one thing that people need to understand is that when a drug is being manufactured, there might be a supplier and also a consumer for the same. If a police officer catches hold of someone involved in the process, is it presumed that the person who has supplied drugs to the consumer should not be arrested? There won’t be drugs with them because they have already delivered it to the concerned party.'
Reports claiming that Aryan Khan told Wankhede, 'Tu janta nahi mera baap kaun hai?' during the arrest have circulated widely. When questioned about the veracity of these reports, Wankhede chose not to divulge details, saying, 'I wouldn’t like to comment on such things. It is all submitted in the court. If at all, in some other case, anybody used such language with me, they will be strongly dealt with by law. Such language doesn’t work with me.'
Despite being at the centre of one of the most sensational controversies in recent memory, Sameer Wankhede remains undeterred. His firm stance on upholding the law and his ability to brush off trolling and criticism highlights his unflappable nature. Whether or not the Aryan Khan case continues to be a topic of public fascination, Wankhede seems resolute in his mission to enforce the law without fear or favour. As for Aryan and SRK, life appears to have moved on, but echoes of the past controversy still linger in the media and public discourse.
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