Will Sanjay Dutt contest the 2024 Lok Sabha elections?: There has been a stir as Bollywood actress and BJP candidate from Mandi parliamentary constituency of Himachal Pradesh Kangana Ranaut entered politics. These days there is a discussion in politics that now parties will field Bollywood stars in the elections. Meanwhile, Munna Bhai MBBS fame actor Sanjay Dutt has termed as false the rumors in which he was being asked by Congress to contest elections from Karnal seat of Haryana.
What did Sanjay Dutt write on Twitter?
Sanjay Dutt tweeted from his social media handle 'X'. I want to put an end to all the rumors about my involvement in politics. I am not joining any party or contesting elections. If I decide to enter the political arena, I will be the first one to announce it.
He further wrote in the tweet, I appeal to the public that all the news running about me in the media till now is false.
Were you going to contest elections from Karnal?
In Haryana, there were reports of Congress fielding Sanjay Dutt from Karnal against BJP candidate and former CM Manohar Lal Khattar. Let us tell you that Sanjay Dutt's father late. Sunil Dutt has been a Congress MP from Mumbai, while his sister Priya Dutt is also a Congress leader.