Archana Puran Singh recently took to Instagram to reminisce about her awe-inspiring journey from being a small-town girl to sharing the stage with Bollywood legend Rekha. Her heartfelt post not only spoke volumes about dreams coming true but also offered a glimpse into her candid conversations with Rekha, including one about the mysterious ‘he’ Rekha often mentions.
In her post, Archana revisited her childhood fascination with Rekha, a star she admired from afar. 'When I saw Rekhaji’s Sawan Bhadon, I was just a kid in a small town with barely a hope of ever visiting Bombay, let alone meeting her,' she wrote. But fate had other plans, as Archana went on to work with Rekha in the 1989 film Ladaai.
Their first professional interaction became a cherished memory for Archana. 'Rekhaji called me to her makeup room during Ladaai and gave me makeup tips. She even taught me how to apply fake eyelashes, a trend she’s credited with starting in Bollywood,' Archana shared, revealing Rekha’s generous spirit.
The Mystery of ‘He’
During one of their casual chats at Filmcity, Archana finally mustered the courage to ask about the enigmatic ‘he’ Rekha often refers to. In true Rekha style, she responded with intrigue: 'You don’t know who HE is?' leaving Archana amused and curious.
Archana described Rekha as warm, irrepressible, and a living legend who continues to inspire with her charisma and wisdom. Reflecting on her journey, Archana wrote, 'Dreams do come true for small kids from small hometowns.'
This heartfelt story is a testament to how perseverance and passion can turn childhood dreams into reality while offering a rare peek into the enigmatic persona of Rekha.
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