Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is produced by fermentation of starch and sugar. It is mixed with petrol and used as an eco-friendly fuel in vehicles. Ethanol is produced mainly from sugarcane juice, but ethanol can also be produced from starch containing materials such as corn, rotten potatoes, cassava and rotten vegetables.
1G Ethanol: First generation ethanol is made from sugarcane juice, sweet beet, rotten potatoes, sweet sorghum and maize.
2G Ethanol: Second generation ethanol is made from cellulose and lignocellulosic materials such as rice husk, wheat husk, corncob, bamboo and woody biomass.
3G Biofuel: Third generation biofuel will be made from algae. Work is currently underway on this.
Adding ethanol to petrol will help reduce pollution caused by the use of petrol. With its use, vehicles emit 35% less carbon monoxide. Ethanol also reduces the emission of sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons. Due to the 35% oxygen present in ethanol, this fuel also reduces the emission of nitrogen oxide.
What is the benefit to the common man: Vehicles running on petrol mixed with ethanol heat up much less than petrol. The alcohol in ethanol evaporates quickly, due to which the engine does not heat up quickly. Apart from this, it will be much cheaper than crude oil. This is also expected to provide relief from inflation.
Benefit to farmers: With the increase in the use of ethanol, the income of farmers will also increase. Because ethanol is made from sugarcane, maize and many other crops. Sugar mills will get a new source of income and income will increase. Farmers have benefited by Rs 21 thousand crore from ethanol.
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