UP Police Constable Admit Card: UP Police Exam City and Admit Card Released: Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has released an important notice regarding city notification date and admit card date on its official website. According to official information, UP Police Constable City Intimation Slip was released on 10th February. A total of 48 lakh candidates will appear in the written examination to be held on February 17 and 18 for the post of constable. The examination will be held in two shifts. The first shift will be conducted from 10 am to 12 noon and the second shift will be conducted from 3 pm to 5 pm.
According to the notice, pre-admit card was also released on February 10. Candidates will be provided the link in this article. Candidates will be able to check their city details by login to the official website using their registration number and date of birth.
Admit cards can be issued on 13th February
Admit cards will be released on 13th February. To download the admit card, candidates will have to enter their login and password. Once the admit card is released, candidates will know their exam day, shift, timing and exam center location.
Examination will be conducted in 75 districts
A large number of candidates will appear in this examination to be conducted in 75 districts of the state, for which more than 3 thousand examination centers have been created in the state. Therefore, to prevent any irregularities, jammers will be installed at every examination center. Also, the officers will sit in the control room and monitor the entire examination through CCTV. The control room of these CCTVs will be set up in the police office, where the police team will keep a close watch on all the candidates.