A fire broke out at Tata Electronics' manufacturing unit in Hosur, Tamil Nadu this morning. The fire has caused heavy damage to property. Fire brigade vehicles are trying to control the fire. Around 1500 employees were on duty when the fire broke out in the factory. The cause of the fire is not yet known.
Tamil Nadu Tata Electronic Plant
A massive fire broke out at Tata Electronics' manufacturing unit in Hosur, Tamil Nadu on Saturday. The fire broke out in the cellphone manufacturing section, forcing employees to evacuate the premises. According to news agency PTI, the fire has caused extensive property damage. Firefighters are working to control the blaze.
Around 1,500 workers were on duty when the fire broke out in the factory. The cause of the fire is not yet known. Police officials said three workers suffering from respiratory problems were rushed to a private hospital where their condition is stable.
A team of more than 100 policemen has been deployed at the spot. Many iPhone products are manufactured here.
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