Mirzapur The Film announced: The fourth season of Mirzapur, the most popular web series on the OTT platform, is awaited. This year, the third season was a huge hit, but at the same time the absence of Munna Bhaiya saddened the fans. However, before Diwali, the makers have given a big surprise to the fans.
The crime thriller web series Mirzapur is returning and this time it will not be on the OTT platform but in theaters. Yes, Excel Entertainment and Amazon MGM Studios have announced Mirzapur The Film which will be released in theaters.
Munna Bhaiya also enters Mirzapur the film
The interesting thing is that Munna Bhaiya has also entered Mirzapur film. Compounder (Abhishek Bachchan) will also be seen in the film along with Munna Bhaiya. The first glimpse of Mirzapur the film has increased the excitement among the fans. The caption with the teaser reads, "Now the Bhaukaal will be bigger and so will the curtain."
Mirzapur The Film teaser
Looking at the teaser, it seems that this time there will be a great war between Kaleen Bhaiya (Pankaj Tripathi), Guddu Pandit (Ali Fazal) and Munna Bhaiya (Divyendu Sharma) for the throne. In the teaser, Kaleen Bhaiya said, "You already know the importance of the throne. Summoning power, control. You must have also watched Mirzapur sitting on your respective thrones. If you do not get up from the throne this time, there is a risk."
After Kaleen Bhaiya, Guddu Pandit entered who said, "Kaleen Bhaiya has said the right thing. Taking risks is my USP. We change the whole game. The thing is that Mirzapur will not come to you, you will have to come to Mirzapur."
When will Mirzapur the film be released?
Mirzapur The Film release date: Only three stars have appeared in the cast of Mirzapur the film so far, who is included in the rest of the cast. Information about this is yet to come. The film is being directed by Gurmeet Singh. This film is not going to be released in 2024 or 2025 but in 2026.
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