The much-anticipated sequel Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun, has taken the box office by storm. Surpassing expectations, the Hindi version of the film raked in a staggering ₹65 crore on its opening day, breaking the previous record set by Jawan (Rs 64 crore) earlier this year. Remarkably, this feat was achieved on a non-holiday, underscoring the immense anticipation and love for the film.
Dominance in Multiplexes
A significant 48% of the total collections came from India's top six multiplex chains, reflecting the widespread appeal of Pushpa 2. Here’s the breakdown of the collections:
- PVRInox: Rs 19.30 crore
- Cinepolis: Rs 5.62 crore
- Miraj Cinemas: Rs 2.60 crore
- MovieMax: Rs 1.40 crore
- Rajhans Cinemas: Rs 1.24 crore
- MovieTime: Rs 0.82 crore
Collectively, these multiplexes contributed ₹30.92 crore, while smaller cinemas and single screens brought in the remaining ₹34.08 crore.
Regional Performance Highlights
The territorial performance was equally impressive:
- East Punjab: Rs 5.40 crore
- Delhi-UP: Rs 12.00 crore
- Mumbai: Rs 21.20 crore
This performance cements Pushpa 2 as a nationwide phenomenon, breaking records across circuits and proving its universal appeal.
Dynamic pricing strategies played a pivotal role in driving the collections. While the premium ticket prices boosted the revenue, experts believe a slight reduction could have increased footfall without significantly affecting the overall earnings. Even with a 10% lower price slab, Pushpa 2 was poised for a historic opening.
The record-breaking non-holiday debut raises questions about what the film could have achieved with a holiday release. Industry analysts estimate the first-day collection might have soared to Rs 75 crore, setting an even higher benchmark.
The Allu Arjun-led film has not only set a new standard for Hindi-dubbed releases but also demonstrated the pan-India appeal of South Indian cinema. With its gripping narrative, stellar performances, and unparalleled hype, Pushpa 2 is set to dominate the box office in the coming weeks.
Also Read: Pushpa 2 3D Release Delayed: Here is What You Need to Know