Google Maps is the world's most popular digital map service which is present in 220 countries. It not only shows directions but also helps businesses. A large number of people use it every month.
Google Maps has been downloaded more than 1,000 crore times
You can see any corner of the world on Google Maps from the comfort of your home. It not only shows directions to travelers, but also helps businesses in many ways. Google Maps comes pre-installed in most Android devices, yet it is downloaded in large numbers every year.
How many people use Google Maps?
According to a 2019 report, more than 100 crore people use Google Maps every month. In the last few years, the reach of the Internet has increased and the number of smartphone users has also increased. In such a situation, the number of people using Google Maps must have also increased. Google Play Store shows that the Google Maps app has been downloaded more than 10 billion times.
More than half of the smartphone users in the US have Google Maps on their devices. Here people use it on an average 50 times a month. In comparison, Apple Maps is used only 5 times. A 2018 report says that 72 percent of map users have used Google Maps.
Where is Google Maps used the most?
You might be thinking that Google Maps is used the most for travel and tourism. People need it for directions and finding their destination, but it is not so. A report shows that only 2.42 percent of its total usage is for travel and tourism. Of the total use of Google Maps, 2.21 percent is for computer electronics and technology, 2.37 percent for food and beverages and 2.87 percent for science and education. More than 90 percent is used in other categories.